Well, Saint Patrick's Day weekend in Savannah is almost over, and what fabulous party wouldn't be complete without tornadoes and a four county blackout?
I was actually very pleasantly surprised at how well behaved everyone's been this weekend. The arrest rate, overall, was down. Although some of the more memorable included the standard drunk-woman-swimming-in-a-fountain story, and the guy caught with his hands down another guy's pants, who then insisted that a graphic description of what he was accused of doing be read aloud to the night court. The woman in the fountain was sobbing when she went before the judge, and still just a little dripping wet. The judge asked her if she'd had her clothes on while she was in the fountain, and the woman said yes. "Well, at least that's something," replied the judge.
Last night, we did have some very severe weather. Severe enough that me and TFYO spent some time hanging out in my walk-in closet with a battery powered lantern and some books. A tornado passed very close to the house. It missed us, and took out the main distribution power substation instead, plunging four counties into complete darkness, including the city of Savannah, where around a hundred thousand people were whooping it up between City Market and River Street.
Again, I am glad that I live in an area where emergency services know exactly what to do when disaster strikes, and I'm glad that, generally, I live in a city where people are well behaved. The police used their car lights, and generators, to get enough power and light going to move people to shuttles and get them out of the downtown area in an orderly fashion. There were no reports of arson, or looting, and everyone pretty much did as they were told, and got the hell out before the storms hit the city itself. There was no wide-scale pandemonium from what I could tell, and that was very reassuring. If a hurricane ever does hit here, I feel confident that we'll either all make it out in time, or we'll be well assisted one way or another.
Ray ended up driving in to work to help cover the evacuation, although by the time he got there, the power was back on at our house.
Big kudos to Georgia Power, too. It took a little while to get power back to all areas, but it happened more quickly than I would have thought possible. Our power was only off for a couple of hours, and by the time Ray headed home, they were slowly getting power back in to parts of Chatham County. Of all the places I've lived, Georgia Power by far has the quickest response time. Makes me happy knowing all that stuff in the freezer stayed frozen.
It was another forty-five hour week for me, and I did work about an hour yesterday afternoon, plus I managed an air shift, too! I console myself with the fact that I do get paid overtime, and it will come in handy when I go on maternity leave, just five more weeks.
wow. what an exciting weekend! you must be exhausted from those long workweeks, though.
and that poor woman should be told that swimming drunk in fountains wasn't even charming when it was Zelda Fitzgerald.
Especially when you consider someone had probably just peed in that fountain moments before.
Glad you are well and your maternity leave is not too far off. St. Patrick's Day here is very subdued. I need to remember to wear green tomorrow!
Our power lines were knocked out in a windstorm a few years ago...taken down with a 100 year old live oak that fell into our yard. The only reason power got back on about 18 hours later is that a PWP manger lives down the street! I often wonder what emergency response will be like here when 'the big one' comes.
I heard about the tornado that went through Atlanta - and even though that's a distance from you, I was worried. I was going to call, but since I don't get home until 1:00 am, I figured I'd let you sleep. Glad to know everyone's alright!
I wondered about you when I heard about the tornados this morning on the news. Glad you and yours are okay. It sounds like everything went more smoothly than you would expect, especially since the authorities were dealing with drunken, partying people.
Five weeks. That's not long. I bet you're excited.
I was thinking about you this weekend with the storms and I'm glad you're ok. Scary, though.
I came here via Lee at Wit's End and have already gotten hooked!
Congratulations on the soon to be new addition to your family. My only son is 21 so that time seems so long ago!
Water battles...yes, I know and have kept up with the situation. GA has it the worst and NC is not too far behind unfortunately.
Production Director...my brother used to produce all the commercials with Lowes. He has had a variety of freelance positions in videography, editing, etc. and is engaged to a Creative Design guru. Yes, your career is very familiar and I know it's hectic!
Sorry the comment is turning into a blog LOL....will be back!
Glad your stormy weekend turned out okay. Much better for the tornado to hit the power station than your house. Much, much better. We haven't had a tornado warning since last September, but it's getting to be that time of year. Hope your leave starts soon.
I saw the tornado that hit Atlanta on the TV - eek! I wonder what reading matter you and TFYO had in your walk-in wardrobe/tornado shelter?! Wind in the Willows?! Take care, and bring on the maternity leave.
Mya x
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